Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Brow threading

Eyebrows are an ever changing fashion. Thick, thin, arched, flat. The dreadful Scouse brow. I have a love hate relationship with my eyebrows. I keep trying new things - different shapes, colours, techniques - and I am never happy.

I recently had my brows threaded at the Skin Health Spa near Liverpool Street Station. I sat down with the technician who explained everything behind threading (which no one has ever done before) and that it has its roots in China but was popularised in India. She told me that my main issue is my brows are too far apart and the hair of my eyebrows are growing in the wrong direction. This is giving them less volume and is probably due to poor technicians in the past.

Normally threading is a sharp, reddening event for me but this technicians was very gentle. My brows were left with a fantastic shape and she told me where I need to grow out my brows. If you're in the Central London area I highly recommend going here as its a fantastic, honest and professional service.

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